1000 Books Before Kindergarten

Image of 1000 Books Before Kindergarten

Information about the program

What is the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Program?
It is a free program which encourages you to read 1000 books with your child before they enter Kindergarten.

Who can enter the program?
Children from birth through the summer before they enter Kindergarten.

How long will the program take?
The program is self-paced. It can take anywhere from a few months to a few years!

What are the goals of the program?

  • To encourage families to read aloud to their young children.
  • To introduce children to a variety of books.
  • To promote early literacy so children can enter school ready to learn.
  • To reinforce parents' role as their child's first teachers.
  • To encourage families to regularly use the library for lifelong learning.

How does the program work?
First, register your child. You can do this by signing up at the Children's Desk at the library or by emailing Miss Janet at crane@ringwoodlibrary.org. Each registrant can pick up a 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Pack which includes an overview, book list and book tracking sheet. You may also track books using the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten app (available for iOS and Android) or find reading logs for every 100 books here: https://1000booksbeforekindergarten.org/resources/
Select books for your child and read together! Books read together at home, at Storytimes, at preschool, at Grandma's...wherever! They all count toward the 1000. This is a program based on the honor code!
Your child may come pick up a prize at the following milestones.

  • 100 books - sticker
  • 250 books - bookmark
  • 500 books - pencil
  • 750 books - FREE BOOK!
  • 1000 books - certificates, a medal, a trip to the prize box and your name on the wall